About the OPKO Renal Division

The Renal Division of OPKO Health, Inc. is developing proprietary products to treat secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and vitamin D insufficiency. These products are designed to treat patients with Stage 3, 4 or 5 CKD, but they also have potential application to other indications including metabolic bone disease, such as renal osteodystrophy and osteoporosis. In addition, the Renal Division is developing novel therapies to treat elevated blood phosphorus levels (hyperphosphatemia) in order to improve the control of SHPT in CKD patients.

CKD is a worldwide public health problem with steadily increasing incidence, prevalence and cost. Key factors driving growth of the CKD market in developed countries include aging populations and the current epidemic of obesity and its associated complications of hypertension and adult-onset diabetes. Nearly 80% of CKD cases have etiologies linked to hypertension and diabetes. The worldwide incidence of adult-onset diabetes alone has increased to more than 500 million.

CKD is categorized into 5 successive stages, each stage representing more advanced disease. The earliest stages of CKD afflict nearly 25 million individuals in the United States (U.S.) and contribute to the widespread development of osteoporosis. By the time a patient reaches Stage 5 CKD, the kidney is virtually non-functional. The majority of Stage 5 patients require regular dialysis for survival, with a small proportion eventually receiving viable kidney transplants. In the U.S., the annual cost of treating patients with Stage 5 CKD is approximately $35 billion. Despite this expenditure, CKD continues to be associated with poor outcomes, reflecting the inadequacies of the current standard of care. Vitamin D insufficiency, hyperphosphatemia and SHPT, when inadequately treated, are major contributors to poor CKD outcomes.

OPKO’s expertise in vitamin D chemistry, biochemistry, metabolism and physiology, combined with its experience in successfully bringing vitamin D therapeutics to market uniquely positions the Renal Division to improve the lives of CKD patients.


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